Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Cautionary Tale... [Right Knee]

Wrestling as a freshman in high school, I torn up my right knee. I was an obstinate kid with parents who were struggling with their own demons. I wouldn't let the doctor operate on me. It was probably one of the best decisions I ever made; they would have made a mess of it 45 years ago. I went on to play three more years of high school football and five years of very competitive rugby without too much trouble with my knee. I have always felt blessed by how well my body has held up over the years.

Nevertheless, every once in a while the right knee would give me problems. From a distance, Tomasin has speculated that I have a partially torn MCL. It bothered me for a couple of days in February. After doing our first spin class in a couple of months on Sunday, August 20, it started bothering me again. Rather than backing off a little, I pushed hard over the next six days to reach my weekly running mileage goal (30 miles). This included several 7 to 8 mile runs.

By the time we left for Washington DC at the end of the week, the knee was giving me more trouble than it had in a long, long time. I tried doing a light workout when we got back from DC, but only made it worse.

I shut myself down over the last week and have gotten the knee back to where it feels pretty good. [Note to self], the lesson learned is that I have to listen to my body and be more careful, particularly with my knee.

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