Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Frosh/Soph Parent Counselor Information Night

Tuesday night, I went to the Jesuit High School Frosh/Soph Parent Counselor Information Night. In addition to a general session with Jack's counselor, I went to two break-out sessions: scheduling and placement for sophomores and . While the scheduling session was worthwhile, the athletics section was not; it turned out to be focused on NCAA eligibility. It is comical to talk about being recruited by colleges while I am fretting about him making baseball team at Jesuit...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Milo Greene at the Brudenell Social Club

Milo Greene played the Brudenell Social Club in Leeds on January 29, 2013.

California Historical Landmark #321

California State Historical Landmark #321

See this location on Yahoo Maps in Flickr
See this location on Google Maps

This site is located on State Highway 20 in Smartville, California. There are 6 other California State Historical Landmarks in Yuba County. The GPS coordinates for this location are N 39° 12.430 W 121° 17.850.

You can log your site to this site at!

California Historical Landmark #321

The first building at Smartsville (the post office is called Smartville) was built in the spring of 1856 by a Mr. Smart. The Church of the Immaculate Conception (organized in 1852 in Rose's Bar) was built in 1861, and in 1863 the Union Church was erected. One of the prominent features of the landscape of the town today is its churches.

California Historical Landmark #321

California Historical Landmark #321

Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Madeline - Madeline's Valentine

The complete list of Starbucks iTunes picks of the week is here!
Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Madeline - Madeline's Valentine

Code Expiration: April 23, 2013

Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Tegan and Sara - Closer

The complete list of Starbucks iTunes picks of the week is here!
Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Tegan and Sara - Closer

Code Expiration: April 23, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Virtually Biking Across America - Day 45

On Day 45, I rode 14.2 miles across Wyoming. Starting at the Devil’s Gate Pony Express Station [N42 26 26.0 W107 12 48.0], I rode about 5 miles along Highway 220 before exiting on to the Emigrant Trail. Passing the Sweetwater Pony Express Station [N42 29 53.0 W107 06 49.0], I rode cross country through the Pathfinder National Wildlife Refuge. I stopped at the junction of the Oregon Trail and Highway 220 [42° 33' 51.09", 107° 0' 56.98"]

The trip log for Virtually Biking Across America is here.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013

Celebrating Lynn's Birthday

Sharon and I went to dinner at Roxy's to celebrate Lynn's birthday. The group included Lynn, Ben, Rod, Julie, Ben's sister Tessa and her husband and another couple.

Milo Greene at the Castle Hotel

Milo Greene is playing at the Castle Hotel in Manchester, England on January 25th.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

California Historical Landmark #820

I stopped at this landmark briefly on my way home from the long MLK weekend at Sea Ranch.

St. Teresa of Avila Church
California State Historical Landmark #820

See this location on Yahoo Maps in Flickr
See this location on Google Maps

This landmark is located at 17242 Bodega Highway, Bodega, California. There are 26 other California State Historical Landmarks in Sonoma County. The GPS coordinates for this location are N 38° 20.777 W 122° 58.358.

You can log your visit to this landmark at

California Historical Landmark #820

Constructed of redwood in 1859 by New England ships carpenters on Spanish land grant donated by Jasper O'Farrell. On March 8, 1860, Father Louis Rossi was appointed pastor. Archbishop Alemany dedicated the church in the town of Bodega on June 2, 1861, and it has served this coastal community continuously for over a century.

California Historical Landmark #820

California Historical Landmark #820

Virtually Biking Across America - Day 44

On Day 44, I rode 18.6 miles across Wyoming. Starting on the Oregon Trail just north of Split Rock and the Split Rock Pony Express Station, I rode cross country along the Oregon Trail to the Devil’s Pony Express Gate Station [N42 26 26.0 W107 12 48.0].

The trip log for Virtually Biking Across America is here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Celebrating Sharon's Birthday!

For the third year in a row, Sharon, Jack and I went to dinner at Ruth's Chris Steak House to celebrate Sharon's birthday. We finished the night with cupcakes and presents. We got Sharon flowers, a book and an internet connected appliance for her birthday...

Milo Greene at St. Pancras Old Church

Milo Greene is playing at St. Pancras Old Church in London on January 23rd and 24th.

St. Pancras Old Church

St. Pancras Old Church stands on one of Europe's most ancient sites of Christian worship, possibly dating back to the early 4th Century.  The present building has been here since the 11th or 12th Century and is situated close to the River Fleet, which was culverted in the 19th Century.

The Church has stood here through good times and bad; it was ruinous in the 13th Century, rebuilt in the 14th Century, half abandoned in the 16th Century, restored in the 17th Century and again substantially rebuilt in the mid 19th Century, when the 13th Century West Tower was dismantled and the new bell tower added.

During the Civil War the church was used as a barracks and stable for Cromwell's troops.  Before the troops arrived, the Church's treasures were buried for their protection and then lost, only to be rediscovered during restoration work in the early 19th Century.  A 6th Century altar stone was among the items discovered.  Legend has it that the stone belonged to St. Augustine of Canterbury.  Little remains of the original medieval church, but in the north wall of the Nave there is an exposed section of Norman masonry.

St. Pancras Old Church continues to function as the Anglican Parish Church for this part of London.  Mass times are advertised on the notice board.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

High School Arrupe Leaders Summit

While Sharon and I spent the weekend at Sea Ranch, Jack was in Los Gatos. He was one of three freshman and three sophomores at Jesuit High School chosen to attend the Arrupe Leaders Summit.
High School Arrupe Leaders Summit - Ignatian Solidarity Network

The ISN Arrupe Leaders Summit invites emerging student leaders and faculty/parish chaperones from Jesuit high schools and parishes nationwide to deepen their understanding of “a faith that does justice,” share ideas and resources for social justice programming, and become empowered to effect positive social change in their local and global communities.

Throughout the three-day program, students explore The Student Leadership Challenge: Five Practices for Exemplary Leaders through the lens of Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J.’s life. Arrupe, a former Superior General of the Society of Jesus, is known for his strong leadership of the Jesuits during a tumultuous period in global history and a time of great transition for the Catholic Church and the Jesuits.

Monday, January 21, 2013

2013 Sea Ranch Day 4

As I told Sharon and Janie over the course of the weekend, I probably got more relaxed and unwound during this long holiday than any trip in recent memory.

Up fairly early, both Sharon and I went for runs to the south. It was very cold and breezy. Running a little over five miles, I could never get warmed up.

After a breakfast of omelettes, we packed up the cars. The check-out time was 11:00 am and we rolled away from the house about 10:58 am. Although the location was perfect, Sharon was not completely happy with the house [lots and lots of unfinished wood on the inside]. As a result, I am pretty sure that we will never stay here again.

I made a quick stop at Saint Teresa of Avila Church [California Historical Landmark #820] in Bodega and then met Sharon and Janie for lunch in Sonoma. We had lunch at Della Santina's, an Italian Trattoria.

After lunch, we made a quick stop at Bouchaine Vineyards. Both Sharon and Janie are wine club members there. By the time, Sharon and I rolled up to the house it was almost 6 pm. It was a great long weekend.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

2013 Sea Ranch Day 3

The plan for the day got a little off track. As Sharon and I were working to make waffles for breakfast, we couldn't get the stove to work. Eventually, we realized that the propane tank for the house was empty. Sharon ended up calling the owners and they scheduled a propane delivery for later in the morning. Unfortunately, all of this running amok compressed the morning. I had hoped to go to Mass, but we ran out of time.

I went out for another long run along the bluffs. Heading north, I covered almost 6.7 miles. The weather was great; it was warmer than Saturday morning.

View Larger Map

We spent the afternoon watching the 49ers NFC Championship game against the Falcons, lounging in the jacuzzi, and enjoying the view of the ocean. After the 49er game was over, Sharon and I hiked the 4.5 miles to the Sea Ranch Lodge. We explored the coast along the way.

Janie drove to the lodge and met us there. We had hors d'oeuvre and a couple of drinks while watching the sunset. After the sun went down, I also got a chance to watch the last quarter of the Patriots versus Ravens AFC Championship.

Back at the house, we had a late dinner of leftovers. Sharon and I watched About A Boy and finished the night with late dip in the jacuzzi.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

2013 Sea Ranch Day 2


One of the things that I enjoy about Sea Ranch is that you get a little bit of a sunrise on the ocean in the winter as well as sunset. The coast runs southeast to northwest rather than south to north. Up early, I sat with a cup of coffee and enjoyed the sunrise.

I took for off for a long morning run. I ran from The Living Roof to the Sea Ranch Lodge and back; a total of 8.5 miles. I pushed hard to the lodge. In the years that we have been here, I have never run the last mile or two along the bluffs near the lodge.

View Larger Map

Back at the house, Sharon, Janie and I headed into Gualala. We wandered around the town and did some shopping. We had a drink in the bar at the Shoreline Restaurant and watched the waves break over the sand dunes into the river.

We spend the afternoon relaxing around the house and enjoying the jacuzzi.

Janie's friend Carol came over for dinner. Carol lives at Sea Ranch. We finished the evening barbecuing a couple of steaks and having a late dinner.

The Living Roof at Sea Ranch

Friday, January 18, 2013

2013 Sea Ranch Day 1

In the late afternoon, I headed towards Sea Ranch. Sharon, Janie and I will be spending the MLK weekend at the Living Roof House celebrating Sharon and my birthdays. We spent the long weekend holiday weekend at a different house at Sea Ranch in 2O11.

Sharon and Janie had gone over earlier in the day. Jack was also originally going, but he was selected to attend a Jesuit Leadership Summit at the Los Gatos Retreat House; more on that in a future post. I had forgotten how long it takes to get there. Even with only hitting a little traffic on Highway 101 North between 37 and Petaluma, it took three hours and 40 minutes on no stops...

After unwinding a bit, we had a great late dinner of lasagna that Sharon made. We finished a late night watching an odd movie: Magic Mike.

Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Fibble HD

The complete list of Starbucks iTunes picks of the week is here!
Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Fibble HD

A visually breathtaking puzzler

Code Expiration: April 16, 2013

Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Nataly Dawn - Please Don't Scream

The complete list of Starbucks iTunes picks of the week is here!

Code Expiration: April 16, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Virtually Biking Across America - Day 43

On Day 43, I rode 24.6 miles across Wyoming. Starting from the junction of Interstate 287 and the Oregon Trail [N42 31 2.43" W108 0 27.65], I rode southeast on Interstate 287. Leaving the highway, I finished the ride on the Oregon Trail just north of Split Rock and the Split Rock Pony Express Station.

The trip log for Virtually Biking Across America is here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

ESPN Films 30 for 30 Shorts: Ali: The Mission

Grantland and ESPN Films have released the fourth film in their 30 for 30 documentary short series.

30 for 30 Shorts: Ali: The Mission

The latest film is Ali: The Mission, from Amani Martin and narrated by acclaimed singer/songwriter John Legend. This short tells the story of Muhammad Ali's trip to Iraq prior to the Gulf War in 1991 to call for peace and to negotiate with Saddam Hussein for the release of U.S. citizens that were taken hostage after the invasion of Kuwait.

You can find Ali: The Mission on the ESPN web site at

More about the film at:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Celebrating my birthday

After I picked Jack up at the first Jesuit freshman baseball conditioning session, Sharon, Jack and I went to dinner at Tapa the World to celebrate my birthday. We finished the night with cake and presents at home.

Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 Outlaws Baseball Tournament #1 Day #2

After losing two close games on Saturday, the Outlaws were back at Big League Dreams in Manteca for a 8 am elimination game on Sunday morning. It was another cold morning. The field looked like it had snow on it. The Outlaws played the Woodcreek Lobos again. They had lost to the Lobos on Saturday by the score of 5 to 3.

At the plate, Jack was 0 for 2 with a RBI, two walks and two runs scored. In his first at-bat with the bases loaded and no outs, he grounded a 0 and 1 pitch to the right side. Cooper scored from third and Jack was thrown out at first. Jack walked on four pitches in his second plate appearance. He went to second on Josh's walk and scored on Breyton's triple. In his third at-bat, Jack ran the count full and drew a walk. He stole second and scored on Josh's single. Jack grounded a 1 and 2 pitch to the left side and was thrown out by the third baseman in his fourth plate appearance.

In the field, Jack played two innings at third and three innings in centerfield. He had one put-out. Jack handled a pop-up on the left side for an out in the first inning.

The Outlaws jumped all over the Lobos and won the game by the score of 13 to 2. The box score is here.

After a two hour break, the Outlaws played Stealth. This is a team that they have seen once before, but most of the players were different.

Over the course of the weekend, it seemed like Jack didn't get very pitches to hit. In general, it seemed like the pitchers were struggling with their control in the cold weather. Jack walked six times in fourteen plate appearances. For the weekend, his on base percentage was .571 [8 for 14], but his batting average was .250 [2 for 8].

Jack finally got some pitches to hit against Stealth. At the plate, he was 2 for 3 with a RBI and his only strike-out of the weekend. In his first at-bat, Jack fell behind 0 and 2, fouled off two pitches and then lined a pitch into centerfield for a single. With the bases loaded and one out, Josh grounded into an inning ending double play. Jack lined a 1 and 1 pitch to the right side in his second plate appearance. Niko scored from third. In his third at-bat, Jack struck out looking on a 3 and 2 pitch. He, Breyton and Josh all struck out looking in the last inning.

In the field, Jack played sixth innings at third base. He had an error, two assists and three put-outs. In the third inning, Jack handled a grounder to the left side, but short hopped the throw to first. Bailey was not able to dig the throw. Although I think that Josh or Breyton would have dug out the throw, I charged Jack with an error. He handled two other grounders to the left side and threw the runner out at first. One of those was a great play on a ball hit down the third base line. Rod has some video that I will post. Jack handled a pop-up, a throw from the catcher to tag a runner going from second to third and a grounder to the left side for a force at third to get three put-outs.

The Outlaws ended up losing the game by the score of 6 to 3 and were eliminated from the tournament. The box score is here.

After almost five years of playing tournament ball with the Gunners and the Outlaws, this could be the last tournament that he plays with them. It would be interesting to try and figure out how many games, Jack has played with Cooper, Josh, Trevor and Breyton. Conditioning for the Jesuit baseball team starts on Tuesday. Try-outs start on February 4.

Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Bruno Mars - If I Knew

The complete list of Starbucks iTunes picks of the week is here!

The breakthrough artist of 2010 returns with a selection from his wide-ranging sophomore album, Unorthodox Jukebox.

Code Expiration: April 9, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

UC Davis Rugby 1970's Alumni Reunion

After getting home from Jack's baseball games on Saturday, I got cleaned up and headed to the Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center at the University of California at Davis for a 1970's rugby alumni reunion. There was a nice crowd of more than 60 people. From teams that I played on, the group included Tomasin, Wallen, Hunter, Chabrier, Wiley, Watson, Cutter and he-who-should-not-be-named.

I had a nice time visiting with Watson. I probably have not seen him in more than twenty years. I have a vague recollection of running into him in Santa Rosa in the early 1990's.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

2013 Outlaws Baseball Tournament #1 Day #1

The Outlaws played in the Northern California Travel Ball First Pitch Tournament at Big League Dreams in Manteca. I had the spent the night in Windsor. Getting up before 5 am, I drove through the bay area to meet Sharon and Jack at 7 am.

The Outlaws played the East West Nationals in the first game of the day. This is not a team that they have played before. With temperatures in the low 30's, it was a clear cold morning. Tomasin harangued the night before that no one should be playing baseball this time of year.

At the plate, Jack was 0 for 2 with a run scored, an RBI, a fielder's choice and two walks. In his first at-bat, he walked on four pitches. Jack went to second on Breyton's walk, to third on JJ's single and scored on Chris' single. Jack grounded a 1 and 1 pitch back to the pitcher and was thrown out at first in his second plate appearance. In his third at-bat, Jack walked on five pitches. He stole second, but ended the inning there. With the bases loaded in his fourth plate appearance, Jack grounded a 3 and 1 pitch to the right side to drive in Cooper. Niko was forced out at second, but they were unable to double Jack up at first. He went to second on Breyton's infield single. The inning ended when Josh hit into a double play.

In the field, Jack played seven innings at third base. He had one error, one assist and three put-outs. In the top of the first inning, Jack fielded a grounder to the left side and bounced the throw. Bailey was unable to dig it. Given the cold icy field, I hate charging Jack with the error. He made nice catches on two pop-ups and one line drive to the left side for put-outs. Jack also handled a grounder to the left side in the top of the second and threw the runner out at first.

Leading 5 to 1 in the top of the fifth, Breyton struggled with his control and walked the first three batters. The Nationals tied up the score at 5 to 5. The game ended tied when time expired. Using one of the those screwy tie breaker formats [start the inning with no outs and runners on first and second], the Outlaws lost the game by the score of 6 to 5. The box score is here.

The Outlaws turned right around and played the Woodcreek Lobos in the second game of the day. There are a number of players on this team that used to play for the Bandits.

At the plate, Jack was 0 for 1 with two walks. In his at-bat, he walked on five pitches. Jack went to second on defensive indifference and to third on a passed ball, but ended the inning there when Josh flied out. Jack walked on six pitches in his second plate appearance. He ended the inning there when Josh popped out. In his third at-bat, Jack grounded the first pitch back to the pitcher and was thrown out at first.

In the field, Jack played six innings at third base. He had two assists. Jack handled a grounder to the left side and made the throw to first. He also had an assist on a 3-5-6 tag out of a runner stranded between second and third.

Bailey was the starting pitcher and struggled with his control. He walked two and hit three batters in the bottom of the first inning. The Lobos scored five runs before the innings was over. The Outlaws lost the game by the score of 5 to 3. The box score is here.

With the two losses, the Outlaws will have to be back at Big League Dreams on Sunday morning at 8 am.

Friday, January 11, 2013

To Healdsburg

After spending the day at the conference center in a Cordelia, I headed to Healdsburg late Friday afternoon. With Wallen in California for the rugby alumni gathering on Saturday, I caught up with him and Tomasin at John and Zeke's in Healdsburg.

We ended up having dinner at Guy Fieri's Johnny Garlic's in Windsor. Sharon, Jack and I went to Guy Fieri's Tex Wasabi in Sacramento before Christmas. I was not impressed with the menu or the food at Johnny Garlic's. It seems like they are trying to serve too many different things.

Wallen and I ended up crashing at the Hampton Inn. With Jack playing baseball in a tournament at Big League Dreams in Manteca and the rugby gathering on Saturday night, it is going to be a hectic weekend.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Fractal Prince by Hannu Rajaniemi

I finished reading The Fractal Prince by Hannu Rajaniemi. This is the second book in a trilogy. I finished the first book--The Quantum Thief--last December.

Like the first book, The Fractal Prince uses a long list of terms without much context or any explanation. Slowly, I got a sense of what most of the terms meant. I won't pretend that I understood everything that was going on or was able to visualize everything. It probably would have helped if I had read the two books closer together.

Also like the first book, there a number of very different ideas. These include: "wildcode" which appears to be a combination of nanotechnology and software that can infect systems and people; phrases that are embedded with a dense amount of information; and disembodied jinnis (Islam for genies). Some of the technology used in the book is so far advanced that it is on the edge of comprehensibility.

One phrase that kept rolling around in my head after reading the book is that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. I think that the smart phone is a great example of this concept. With a smart phone in my pocket, I have a GPS, maps, a camera and a video camera. I can send text messages and email, make a phone call and even video chat. I can sit and watch almost every NFL game on Directv. I can search the web for an incredible store of knowledge. To anyone from 500 years ago, most of this would be incomprehensible. It is hard to imagine where technology is going to go in the next 500 years. As an aside, I am notorious with my in-laws for searching for information on my smart phone while we are discussing different topics.

It appears that the book uses some stylistic elements from the Arabian Nights {Note to self - buy a copy of the Arabian Nights three volume set). I enjoyed the book as a light entertaining read. It was a nice thought provoking diversion from some of the more serious books that I have been reading. I don't think accessible as the first book.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Maloofs nearing deal to sell Kings

Maloofs nearing deal to sell Kings to group that plans to relocate franchise to Seattle - Yahoo! Sports

The Maloof family is finalizing an agreement to sell the Sacramento Kings to a group that hopes to move the franchise to Seattle for the 2013-14 season, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.

I predicted a little more than eighteen months ago that the Maloofs would lose control of the Kings.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

1,441 miles running and 1,133 miles cycling

On our trip to Florida in Summer of 2004, I started to play with the idea of running the American River 50 in April of 2007. I committed myself and started to train.

In 2005, I ran slightly less than 1,630 miles.

In 2006, I ran slightly less than 1,680 miles.

In 2007, I ran 1,721 miles. This included successfully completing the American River 50.

In 2008, I ran more than 1,925 miles!

In 2009, I ran 1,832 miles.

In 2010, I ran 1,700 miles. This included two full weeks off during the trip to Spain in the summer.

In 2011, I ran 1,763 miles. This seems impossible in a year that I took almost nine weeks of vacation!

In 2012, my goal was to start cross-training. I ran and hiked 1,441 miles. This included two full weeks off during the trip to Italy in the summer. Additionally, I cycled 1,133 miles. Most of this cycling was done on a stationary bike. I covered 1,016 miles virtually biking across America.

My goal for 2013 is to best both the running and the cycling totals. Additionally, I have going to try and lift at least 48 times (4 times a month) at Arden Hills.

Monday, January 07, 2013

Milo Greene heading to the United Kingdom soon!

Drew and Milo Greene are heading to the United Kingdom for shows in England, Scotland and Ireland!

Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Gravity Falls: Tourist Trapped

The complete list of Starbucks iTunes picks of the week is here!
Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Gravity Falls: Tourist Trapped

Code Expiration: April 2, 2013

Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Kate Earl - One Woman Army

The complete list of Starbucks iTunes picks of the week is here!
Starbucks iTunes Pick of the Week - Kate Earl - One Woman Army

Code Expiration: April 2, 2013

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Mayfly 2012

While 2011 was a year of a number of extraordinary adventures, 2012 was a year of extraordinary changes.

Extraordinary ChangesNew HouseSEAS Graduation: Valedictorian!College World SeriesItaly: Rome, Amalfi Coast, Palio, Cinque Terre, VeniceLettermanJesuit High SchoolFrosh Football

You can find my previous Mayfly summaries here!

What is this?

Saturday, January 05, 2013

1,000 miles! [was: Virtually Biking Across America - Day 42]

On January 1, 2012, I started biking virtually across America from the old house in Elk Grove. On December 30, 2012 [Day 42], I rode 20.9 miles across central Wyoming. I have now covered more than 1,000 miles! I have roughly been following the route of the Pony Express. There is still another 780 miles to go to get to St. Joseph, Missouri, the eastern end of the Pony Express Trail.

Starting from the Rocky Ridge Pony Express Station [N42 28 41.0 W108 21 41.0], I rode cross country on the Oregon Trail until I reached Interstate 287. Turning south, I finished the ride at a junction of Interstate 287 and the Oregon Trail [N42 31 2.43" W108 0 27.65].

The trip log for Virtually Biking Across America is here.

Friday, January 04, 2013

California Historical Landmark #320

California State Historical Landmark #320

See this location on Yahoo Maps in Flickr
See this location on Google Maps

This plaque is located on State Highway 20 (P.M. 14.9), while the town site is on Timbuctoo Road, 1.0 miles west of Smartville, California. There are 6 other California State Historical Landmarks in Yuba County. The GPS coordinates for this location are N 39° 13.760 W 121° 22.970.

You can log your site to this site at!

California Historial Landmark #320

In 1855, Timbuctoo was the largest town in eastern Yuba County. At the height of its prosperity it contained a church, theater, stores, hotels, and saloons, a Wells Fargo office, and the Stewart Bros. store which was restored in 1928 and dedicated to the town's pioneer men and women.

California Historial Landmark #320

The town was founded in the early 1850s and, according to legend, it was named after a former African slave who was from the Timbuktu Region of Mali. At its peak, Timbuctoo was home to 1,200 residents. Large hydraulic mining operations were conducted throughout the town's existence. The town began to decline after hydraulic mining was outlawed in 1884. Today, there are few remnants of the gold mining days.

The Wells Fargo Office and Stewart Brothers Store, which was built in 1855, was the last remaining structure. Although it was restored by the Native Sons of the Golden West in 1928, it has since collapsed. Remnants of the building are located at the GPS coordinates +39° 13' 1.20", -121° 19' 4.80".

California Historial Landmark #320

Wells Fargo office and Stewart Brothers store after restoration, 1936. The building has since collapsed.
Source: Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Historic American Buildings Survey, [HABS CAL,58-TIMTO,2-1].

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Highlights from the trip to Italy

Reflecting on the year as I was starting to write a Mayfly for 2012, I was thinking about how much I enjoyed the trip to Italy. I previously wrote up a few general observations. There were an enormous number of high points from the trip. In no particular order, my key highlights include:
  • Colosseum

  • Raphael Rooms and the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican

  • Drive along the Amalfi Coast

  • Sunsets from the Hotel deck in Sorrento

  • Palio

  • David

  • Dinner at Il Latini

  • Food in Cinque Terre

  • Two Hikes: Amalfi to Pontone and Corniglia to Vernazza

  • Hotel room in Venice on the Grand Canal

  • 11 Caravaggios
  • Wednesday, January 02, 2013

    Virtually Biking Across America - Day 41

    On December 26 [Day 41], I rode 35.9 miles across central Wyoming. Starting from the Pacific Springs Pony Express Station [N42 20 13.0 W108 56 18.0], I rode cross country on the Emigrant Trail and the Oregon Trail. I finished the ride at the Rocky Ridge Pony Express Station [N42 28 41.0 W108 21 41.0].

    The trip log for Virtually Biking Across America is here.