Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Pony Express Morgan House

Pony Express
Morgan House

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This marker is located at 802 Main Street, Martinez, California. The GPS coordinates for this location are N 38° 01.065 W 122° 08.135.

A list of Pony Express Waymarks that I have visited can be found here. You can log your visit to this landmark at

Pony Express Morgan House

Pony Express Morgan House

The first Pony Express rider through Martinez was Thomas Bedford on April 23, 1860. Heading for Pacheco, Benicia at this time was the home station where the rider from Sacramento exchanged the mail with a new rider and horse for San Francisco.

On April 16, 1861, the new western agent for the Pony Express was Wells, Fargo & Co. and on July 1, 1861 they operated the Pony Express from Placerville to San Francisco under their name.

After April 15, 1861 the new agent and future operator of the Pony Express moved the home station from Benicia to Marteniz. The new home station was the Morgan House and was located at this corner. One of the new riders was David W. Swain, the Marteniz telegraph operator and Wells, Fargo & Co. agent.

Pony Express Morgan House

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