Thursday, July 17, 2008

Upper Savage River Cabin No. 30

When we took the Natural History Tour in Denali, one of the stops was Savage Cabin. Built by road crews in 1925-1926, Savage Cabin was actually two cabins built facing each other, connected by a common roof. It was orginally built about a mile soutwest of here and served as a cookhouse for road workers in summer, and as a ranger patrol station in winter.

In 1940, the park separated the two cabins and moved them to a more protected location. The right side was reassembled. The other was eventually used for firewood.

Upper Savage River Cabin No. 30
National Register of Historic Places #1986003205
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This historic place is located near the Savage River at Mile 12.9, north of the park road, Denali National Park & Preserve in the county of Yukon-Koyukuk, Alaska. The GPS coordinates for this location are N 63° 43.128 W 149° 15.660.

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