Nevada Historical Marker #72
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This marker is located at 673 South Stewart Street, Carson City, Nevada. There are 25 other historical markers in Carson City County. The GPS coordinates for this location are N 38° 57.930 W 119° 50.390.
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The Nevada Orphan's Asylum, a privately funded institution, was opened in Virginia City in May, 1867, by Sister Frederica McGrath and two other nuns of the Sisters of Charity. By 1870, most of its functions were taken over by the Nevada Orphans' Home at Carson City, authorized in 1869 by the Legislature and constructed on this site. The first child was admitted October 28, 1870.
In 1903, the first building gave way to a larger one, constructed of sandstone from the state prison quarry east of Carson City. This edifice, a Carson City landmark, served until 1963 as Nevada's home for dependent and neglected children. In the 1940's, its name was changed to the Nevada State Children's Home. During the 1950's, the name "Sunny Acres" was also used.
The stone building was in turn replaced in 1963, in accordance with the modern concept of family- sized groups housed in cottages.
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