Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 2020 Monthly Challenge in the Activity App

April 2020
Sheltering in place for the whole month, I ended up running sixteen days for 102 miles, taking thirteen Peloton classes covering 145 miles and hiking once for 4 miles. In each of the last two months, I have covered more miles on the bike than I have run. I am pretty sure that I have never done that before.

My pattern for the month was to run on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I would then take a Peloton class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

I achieved the monthly challenge in the Apple Activity App for April of 46,000 Move Calories. This equals 1,533 Move calories a day; my Move Calorie goal is only 910. I currently have a streak of 50 days in a row of achieving my Move goal. My longest streak is 155 days!

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