Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Jessie Street Substation

Sharon and I toured the Jewish Comtemporary Museum on Day 2 of our Mother's Day Weekend trip to San Francisco. The museum is housed in the Jessie Street Substation.

Jessie Street Substation
National Register of Historic Places #1974000555

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This church is located at 736 Mission Street, San Francisco, California. The GPS coordinates for this location are 37° 47' 09.5" N 122° 24' 12.4" W.

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Jessie Street Substation
This Classical Revival building was originally constructed in 1881 but was remodeled twice by Willis Polk between 1905 and 1909 after being damaged by the 1906 earthquake and two fires.

It served as an energy utilities substation until 1924.

Jessie Street Substation is also San Francisco Landmark 87.

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