Sunday, September 09, 2007

Apple TV, an example of how things should work...

Over the last three months, Sharon and I have been watching a couple episodes a week of the first season of Ally McBeal on DVD. Towards the end of the first season, there was an episode called The Inmates that incorporated the cast of the Practice, another David Kelley series. Both Sharon and I were sure that it was Part One of a two part episode, but the next episode went on to another storyline.

Googling some episode guides, I realized that Part Two was done as a crossover episode of The Practice with some of the cast of Ally McBeal appearing on that show. Searching iTunes and Amazon Unboxed, I found that iTunes has individual episodes of first two seasons of the Practice for sale. I purchased and downloaded episode 19 of the second season of The Practice, synced it to the Apple TV and we watched it tonight.

Sharon and I had been talking about the subject during the afternoon and she was surprised to be able to watch the episode after we put Jack to bed. This is how things should work; once I realized what I was looking for, the whole process of finding the episode and getting it to the Apple TV probably took less than ten minutes.

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