A lazy morning... I had brought a couple of days of workout clothes with me, but never did make it to the exercise room any day. Tomasin had a early flight and caught the shuttle bus to the airport about 9:30 am. Snipes, Nooter and I caught the shuttle at 10:30 am.
While Nooter caught a train to the bus station downtown, I wandered almost a mile from one end of the airport to the other to visit with Snipes. I eventually caught a 12:50 pm Southwest flight from Sacramento to Orlando. Other than trying to stay south this time of year, I am not really sure why I choose this flight! Boarding with A24, I didn't get an exit row.
The flight landed in Orlando just after 3:00 pm. I had a three hour layover.
I boarded a 6:05 pm Southwest flight nonstop from Orlando to Sacramento. Boarding with A23, I got a very nice exit row aisle. It was a long flight; I got very antsy. We landed in Sacramento about 9:20 pm. I was home a little after 10 pm.
It was a great weekend. There has been some discussion about making this an annual tradition. I treasure Snipes, Tomasin, Nooter and Wallen's friendship.
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