After our morning run, Wallen, Nathan, Jack and I took off to go to the grocery store to pick up a couple more items for brunch. We stopped by the hotel where most of the wedding party was staying. Everyone was recovering from the rehearsal dinner and trying to figure out where Mikey was; he disappeared for over an hour claiming that he was working out in the fitness room.
Eventually winding our way back to the house, we had a brunch for a number of the people going to the wedding. In addition to the four Wallens, Greg Chabrier stopped by with his two youngest, Hunter came by after Loren's basketball game with a brief appearance by Danny, and Drew and Kaylen stopped off on their way back from Irvine.
Wallen, Jack and I ended up running Hunter out to where the groomsmen were getting ready. This turned out to be fortuitous. Geselbracht had gotten his signals crossed and was not where the limo was picking up the groomsmen. Unfortunately, Geselbracht had Mikey's tux! We took Mikey back to the hotel to meet with Geselbracht.
Afterwards, we rushed back to the house with just enough time to get ready to go to the wedding. Leaving Jack with a babysitter, Sharon and I followed by the Wallens took off for the wedding about 3:40 p.m. The wedding was held at the Wheeler's home just off the River Road. It was a very nice wedding and reception. There were a number of people at the wedding that I have not seen in years, including Pete Bradley, Tib Belza, Ray Perez, Paul Salisbury and Steve Wiley. Sharon and I had a great time. We headed up getting home a little after 10:00 p.m.
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