In addition to the two person kayak, I bought my mountain bike this year. I took off Friday morning and rode south of the resort for about 75 minutes and a 12.5 mile round trip. The first 4 plus miles are paved. The road then turns to dirt. At about 5 miles, the road crosses Sugarloaf Creek and starts to climb. From about 1,100 feet at the creek, the road climbs to 1,650 feet over the next mile plus. This is roughly a 10% grade! I soaked in sweat when I decided to turn around. Next year, I am going to try to explore even farther.
When I got back to the cabins, I ended up going out in the boat with Craig, Keith, Keith's friend Casey, Jack and Tomasin. Kurt wanted me to go and take some pictures of Keith and Craig. I bought a new lens for our camera last week and put it to good use shooting pictures of the boys wakeboarding. We were gone a long time. Jack ended up going twice, first and last.
Tomasin and I sat in the boat and tried to fix healthcare after we got back to the dock. Eventually, Snipes wandered down to join us.
At some point, I decided that I was going to return the patio boat. Kurt and I were going to run the boat back to Anthers and Tomasin would pick us up. I made my second tactical error in two days. I untied the patio boat and Kurt and I jumped on. I then realized that I did not have the key. It was in my other backpack. With the wind blowing away from the dock, the patio boat quickly floated towards the shore. Tomasin with help from someone on the dock towed us back to the dock while Jack ran down with the key.
The rest of the trip to return the patio boat was thankfully uneventful. Tomasin picked up in the truck. We made a quick stop at the Basshole and then headed back to the cabins to clean up. The plan for the night was to take the remaining group to Tail O' the Whale Restaurant at Bridge Bay Resort for dinner. This is about 10 miles back towards Redding on Interstate 5. I did something that I rarely do; I actually had the prime rib special.
Heading back to the cabins after dinner, a large group went to the Basshole to play pool. While I played slightly better, the only person that really looked like he knew what he was doing was Tomasin. It was after midnight before I got home and to bed.
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