Twenty years ago today, I separated from my ex-wife. People question why I remember the date. August 16, 1991 was listed in every document as the date of separation during the ensuing almost two year struggle to finalize the divorce and consequently burned into my memory. It was a difficult divorce. I am not aware of many divorces that actually require a change of venue; we were thrown out of El Dorado County. The proceedings had to be moved from Placerville to the Placer County courthouse in Auburn.
Shortly afterwards our separation, I spent two weeks in Seattle finishing up my last year at the Pacific Coast Banking School. While I was there, I devoted a number of evenings to writing a long summary of the events of the proceeding nine months. I still have an electronic copy of this document. Someday, I am going to use this and some calendars from 1991 to write book.
During much of 1991, I was two different people. I have always envisioned a book with alternating chapters telling the story of two different lives. By the end of February of 1992, those two lives finally start to collapse into one. Poignantly, this was marked by Dave Hare's memorial service.
Between December of 1990 and March of 1992, I became a much different person. Someday, I am going to write a book about those fifteen months...