Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Jack's 2016 Fall Semester Classes

HIST 007-011 - Intro Early Hist: Europe I
The World I sections examine the history of the human experience from a global perspective. The bulk of the semester concerns societies and states from the time of ancient civilizations to about 1500 AD. The course pays particular attention to political, economic, and social changes, but also considers cultural, technological, and ecological history. The evolving relationship between human identities and their social and material environments forms one of the major points of analytical focus for this course. The overarching goal is to provide a general framework for the history of the world to help students understand the big picture, and to help them to contextualize what they will later study about history, politics, religion--in short, about the human experience. The Europe I sections offer an analysis of the major political, social, economic, diplomatic, religious, intellectual, and scientific developments in European Civilization to 1789.

PHIL 020 - Intro to Philosophy
An introduction to some of the central questions of philosophy through the writings of both traditional and contemporary authors. Questions addressed may include the relationship between mind and matter; between causation and free will; meaning, truth, and reality; knowledge, perception, belief, and thought.

ARTH 101 - Ancient to Medieval Art
Major monuments of western art from the prehistoric birth of representational art through the thirteenth century, with an emphasis on ancient and medieval civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean basin.

OPIM 170-06 - Computational Busn Model
The course has the following objectives: 1) Define Business Information Systems. 2) Introduce basic concepts related to Data and Model integration for decision making. 3) Cover the following introductory statistical concepts: a. Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode). b. Measures of Dispersion (Range, Variance, Standard Deviation). c. Measures of Shape (Symmetry, Skewness). d. Presenting Quantitative Data using Frequency Distribution Tables and Histograms. e. Summarizing Qualitative Data. f. Generating a Trend Line using the Method of Least Squares with Solver. 4) Provide a comprehensive Excel foundation for use in future MSB courses, such as: a. Creating, Formatting, Auditing and Managing Worksheets and Workbooks. b. Using Built-in Statistical, Financial, Logical & Date Functions. c. Creating and Formatting Charts. d. Manipulating Data, and using Data Tables & PivotTables/Pivot Charts. e. Tools for managing a complex worksheet, such as Grouping, and Documenting. f. Making Decisions with Goal Seek, Scenario Manager & Solver.

BADM 101-05 - Patterns in Global Commerce
This seminar examines the evolution of commerce between nations from geographical, historical, political, business, and ethical perspectives. It will focus on the dynamics of trade in scarce resources, food, minerals and fuels, armaments, legal and illegal drugs, human beings, intellectual property, and services. Students will explore historical dimensions and different current viewpoints regarding the patterns, benefits, and detriments of global commerce. Why and what do nations trade? How does East meet West and North meet South in international trade and investment? What trade-offs exist between economic and social interests? Can nations be open to trade and still “protect” their domestic economies? Is “free trade” a zero-sum game, or does it allow win-win situations? Can trade be “fair”? The readings and discussions provide students with an understanding of how critical issues in commerce have evolved over time to confront the global business community today.

FREN 101-05 - Advanced French I
A general survey of French civilization is integrated with continued work on mastery of all requisite language skills. Readings and compositions focus on material from the French media.

Fall 2016 Semester
Spring 2017 Semester
Fall 2017 Semester
Spring 2018 Semester
Fall 2018 Semester
Spring 2019 Semester
Fall 2019 Semester
Spring 2020 Semester

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