This course surveys modern architecture in Europe and the United States from 1750-2000. Beginning in England, changes in architectural styles and the designs of key architects will be discussed within the framework of their cultural context. Visionary forms, urban plans, new technology and ornament will be analyzed. In addition, this course surveys the skyscraper's development, the Arts & Crafts movement, the International Style and later modern forms. Students will learn to recognize and describe the major characteristics of architectural movements in Europe and America during this time frame and become familiar with the ideas underlying these forms. Among the many architects and designers to be addressed are Jefferson, Morris, Gaudi, Wright, Le Corbusier and Graves.
We will visit Washington, D.C. architectural sites and/or relevant museum exhibitions as part of this course.
OPIM 230 - Operations Management
A firm has the opportunity to create competitive advantage through proficient management of its operations—manufacturing and services. To do so, the firm must first recognize and establish the strategic role of its operations within the organization. Then, at the more detailed operational level, the firm must execute effectively and efficiently. This course examines the strategic role that the operations function can play, and offers specific tools and techniques that the firm can use during implementation.
OPIM 257 - Develop/Managing Data Bases
The objective of this course is to introduce the student to the key principles and activities associated with the design, use and administration of business databases. The course will discuss important database design principles and sophisticated data retrieval and mining techniques. These principles and techniques will be demonstrated using various computerized database tools, including Oracle and Access. The course will cover critical issues related to database development and administration in the context of consumer-oriented, electronic commerce (Internet and World Wide Web) environments. Formerly offered as MGMT 257.
STRT 261 - International Business
A first course in the theory and practice of international business. After building a foundation of international trade, foreign direct investment, exchange rates, and government policy, the course emphasis is on the application of concepts to the solution of international business problems. It focuses on areas such as international market entry, the internationalization of the marketing, finance and management functions within the firm, and the development of global business strategies.
STRT 283 - Strategic Management
Strategic management deals fundamentally with the ways in which firms build and sustain superior competitive positions and profitability. Successful strategy design and implementation requires a holistic understanding of the firm’s external environment and its internal resources and capabilities. Although we will draw on your prior studies in finance, marketing, accounting, and operations for insights to analysis of firms and their environments, strategy is a stage-setting activity that should drive—rather than be driven by—functional area decisions and actions.
The primary objectives of the course are to improve your ability to:
- Evaluate strategic opportunities in a firm’s external environment and assess the resources and capabilities that a firm can bring to taking advantage of opportunities.
- Develop superior strategies that will promote sustainable profitability.
- Determine the appropriate scope of a firm’s activities for expansion and growth.
Spring 2017 Semester
Fall 2017 Semester
Spring 2018 Semester
Fall 2018 Semester
Spring 2019 Semester
Fall 2019 Semester
Spring 2020 Semester
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