This purpose of this course is to enhance your appreciation for, and ability to deal with, the ethical and legal problems you will face in your careers as managers. The course is designed to teach you how to deal with the ethical and legal dilemmas that can arise in the business context. Please n0te the emphasis on the word ‘how.’ This indicates that you will be required to master a method for solving problems rather than simply learn and remember a stock set of answers.
It is important for you to appreciate this distinction. In many of your courses you are required to understand a conceptually complex set of materials and demonstrate your understanding on examinations or in papers. This is not such a course. In this course, your job is to master a skill; specifically, the skill of normative problem-solving. More precisely, you will be required to develop three closely related abilities: 1) the ability to identify and analyze the ethical and legal problems that can confront you in business situations, 2) the ability to derive a solution to these problems, and 3) the ability to communicate the justification for your solution to others.
The above implies that you should not expect to be provided with answers to the problems we will be examining. In fact, we will often close our discussion of a problem without achieving any definitive resolution. The success of this course should not be measured by the number of ethical or legal problems that we resolve during the semester, but by the degree of confidence you feel at its conclusion in your ability to deal with the unexpected and unexamined normative dilemmas that may confront you in your professional life.
OPIM 258 - Decision Support Systems
Management Support Systems are playing increasingly important roles in the business world. This course is a general introduction to the managerial and technical aspects of such systems. Topics covered include Decision Making, Decision Support Systems, Management Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence (Expert Systems and other advanced concepts), and Executive Information Systems. Besides the exams, completion of an individual programming assignment and a group project are a requirement for this course.
For the programming assignment, students will build a Visual Basic for Application (VBA) program in Excel. The ability to program, especially in Excel (and/or Access) is a highly marketable skill for all business majors.
For the group project, students will build a Decision Support Application. Details will be provided during the first week of class.
This course will be interactive in nature. Students are expected to engage in critical discussions, applying their knowledge from the readings. You should be prepared to participate actively in class discussions. Please be sure that your comments and questions are conducive to a respectful and comfortable environment for others to contribute their ideas.
COSC 051 - Computer Science I
This course is intended for computer science majors and minors, and other students with a serious interest in learning C++ programming. The course covers the following topics: basic data types, the C++ string class, variables and constants, and their declaration, input/output (cin/cout) operators, assignment operators, arithmetic operators, conditional control structures, repetition control structures, basic file operations, user-defined functions, value and reference parameters, scope rules, name precedence, function overloading, template functions, elementary software engineering principles, Standard Template Library (STL), the vector class, elementary searching and sorting, user-defined classes, operator overloading, pointers, self-referential classes, dynamic object creation and destruction, linked lists, and recursion. This course may be used to fulfill the math/computer science portion of the Gen Ed Math/Science requirement. COSC-051 followed by COSC-052 is a major introductory sequence and together complete the General Education requirement for math/science.
BADM 290 - Global Business Experience
This Global Business Experience (GBE) course is for students from the McDonough School of Business and the Walsh School of Foreign Service in the Global Business Fellows Program. It is a senior-level course taken in the spring semester. It includes teaching and learning in international business topics oriented to applications to real current business situations. Prerequisites include the three courses in the Business Core and the four courses in the Economics Core of the Global Business Fellows Program.
A defining feature of the course is consulting projects taken up by teams of students in the course. The projects are typically based either on a particular organization’s business issue or a global industry’s issue to be resolved. Consulting projects are developed by the faculty in conjunction with the sponsoring organization and supervised in periodic team meetings of the student with the faculty member directing the GBE course.
This course includes a foreign residency week during spring break mid-way into the semester. The foreign residency week is planned to take place at ESADE in Barcelona, Spain. A primary activity of the foreign residency week is field research undertaken on behalf of the consulting projects. The week’s activities also include lectures and case studies, field visits, joint student interactions, and cultural events.
The objectives of the course are: (1) to increase your understanding of business in a foreign setting; (2) to increase your ability to conduct international business with comfort and confidence in foreign culture, and to improve your managerial mobility – your ability and willingness to do a job wherever it needs to be done; (3) to improve your problem-solving ability, analytical skills, skills of synthesis, and communication skills; (4) to deepen your understanding of international business, macroeconomic, and business-government relations issues applied to the specific country situations; and (5) to provide an opportunity for you to integrate knowledge from prior courses and apply it to the solution of a real current business problem.
Spring 2017 Semester
Fall 2017 Semester
Spring 2018 Semester
Fall 2018 Semester
Spring 2019 Semester
Fall 2019 Semester
Spring 2020 Semester
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