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This marker is located on the SAG Ponds Trail east of 37268 Schooner Drive, Sea Ranch, California. The Sea Ranch Archives Committee has identified twenty-six historic sites scattered about The Sea Ranch. They have constructed trail markers with information explaining the significance of each place. They were placed as part of The Sea Ranch 50th anniversary being celebrated from Memorial Day 2014 to Memorial Day 2015. The GPS coordinates for this location are 38° 43' 09.1" N 123° 26' 50.9" W.
This portion of the ranch land, originally purchased for development by Oceanic Properties, Inc., along with the forested areas to the north and south, was sold to a timber production company in 1986 and selectively logged. The central section was subsequently repurchased by The Sea Ranch in 1992 and dedicated as commons. These 282 acres are now managed by the The Sea Ranch Association and contain a number of hiking trials. Notable are the "fairy rings" of redwoods and the nearby sag ponds.
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