C & O Extension
National Register of Historic Places #1973000218
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This church is located at southwest corner of 17th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington DC. The GPS coordinates for this location are 38° 53' 31.1" N 77° 02' 23.3" W.
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After the Civil War there were numerous proposals to revitalize the Washington City Canal, but in the 1870s the long process of filling the canal began. During the development of Potomac Park in the early 1900's, the Lockkeeper's House was given to the United States and functioned for a while as the Park Police headquarters. By 1940 Federal Office buildings began to appear along Constitution Avenue near the Lockkeeper's House. That year, the first floor of the building was converted to use as a public comfort station. Presently the building is used for park maintenance storage.

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