Monday, July 09, 2018

To Bakersfield and back

I spent the day winding my way to Bakersfield and back. I caught an 8:30 am Southwest flight from Sacramento to Burbank. Boarding with A46 from the rear of the plane, I wasn't able to get an exit row. This is the first time in at least eight flights on Southwest that I wasn't able to get an exit row... The flight left Sacramento about 20 minutes late.

A coworker picked my boss and I up at Burbank and drove us to Bakersfield. We had lunch with the market IT team. Afterwards, we spent some time visiting with the CFO and President separately.

At the end of the day, we drove back to Burbank. After some Mexican food in the airport, we caught a 8:10 pm Southwest flight back to Sacramento. Boarding with A19, I was the fourth person on the plane. I got one of the exit rows... It was a very empty flight with only 50 people aboard. I was home just before 10 pm.

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