Thursday evening, Sharon organized a F@rm Credit West retirement party for Holly at Il Fornaio at the Galleria. Sharon and Holly have worked together off and on since late 1988. Holly left the bank in the early 1990s during one of the reductions-in-force. She came back to the Farm Credit Banks in early 1999. When Sharon came back to work after Jack was born, Sharon and Holly job-shared until late 2002. After Sharon left Rabobank, Holly worked for Rabobank for a while in Roseville. About six years ago, Holly came to work for F@rm Credit West.
Holly and I were actually at UC Davis during the same four years in the late 1970s. She was an Econ Major, while I was Ag Econ Major. There is a good chance that we had a couple of classes together. My first memory of Holly is in a committee meeting at the banks in what I believe is late 1987 or early 1988.
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