Wednesday, April 12, 1995

Moscow Day 2

WEDNESDAY APRIL 12, 1995 11:10 am german time -- no one asked to have bag opened, although i have had my passport looked at half a dozen times. i have to admit that I have lost most of my sense of time at this point. i am not sure what day it is, let alone time it is. the security guy checking my luggage was asking me where and when I had started from and I was getting confused.

i had about a five hour lay over here in frankfurt this morning. as with most of the trip to date, everything has gone off on schedule and has been extremely uneventful. i have about an hour until the flight leaves for moscow.

WEDNESDAY APRIL 12, 1995 10:50PM moscow time -- i made it; thankfully, no one asked me to open the bag here either. although some woman spent ten minutes looking at my password and visa.

rob picked me up at the airport and we had a couple of beers in car on the way to their apartment and a few more when we got there. very much the same old rob just thinner, rob said that he is down to 175 while i probably picture him in my mind at 190.

after a dinner and a walk of the dog, i am crashing hard. zzzzz

click on the picture for a larger copy!
View from the Nooter's Apartment towards downtown Moscow

Rob and Madeline

[originally written on a Newton MessagePad 120
using handwriting recognition.]

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